Do Solr's LRU caches pay attention to hitcount when deciding which entries to age out and use for autowarming, or is it purely based on the last time that entry was touched? Is it a reasonable idea to come up with an algorithm that uses hitcount along with entry age, ideally with a configurable weight value?

I'm asking because I have really nasty filter queries that make for very slow autowarming of the filterCache. I've had to drop my autowarmCount on the filterCache to 4, and warming that cache can still take 30-60 seconds. Sometimes it's very fast, as low as 3 seconds.

Although I don't have statistics to back my claim, I suspect that the really nasty filters don't have as high a hitcount as the ones that are more simple. Typically the really nasty filters are used when an employee logs into the site. Employees have access to a lot more than customers do, but the search still needs to be filtered to be appropriate for whatever search options are active.

If hitcount could be examined as well as entry age, I think that it could do a better job of selecting entries for warming, and I could use more than 4.


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