I would not optimize - it's very expensive. With 11,000 updates a day, I think 
it makes sense to completely avoid optimizing.

That should be your default move in any case. If you notice performance suffers 
more than is acceptable (good chance you won't), then I'd use a lower merge 
factor. It defaults to 10 - lower numbers will lower the number of segments in 
your index, and essentially amortize the cost of an optimize.

Optimize is generally only useful when you will have a mostly static index.

- Mark Miller

On Nov 11, 2011, at 9:12 AM, Kalika Mishra wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> We are performing almost 11,000 updates a day, we have around 50 million
> docs in the index (i understand we will need to shard) the core seg will
> get fragmented over a period of time. We will need to do optimize every few
> days or once in a month; do you have any reason not to optimize the core.
> Please let me know.
> Thanks.
> On 11 November 2011 18:51, Mark Miller <markrmil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do a you have something forcing you to optimize, or are you just doing it
>> for the heck of it?
>> On Nov 11, 2011, at 7:50 AM, Kalika Mishra wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to optimize solr core which is in Reader Writer mode. Since
>>> the Solr cores are huge in size (above 100 GB) the optimization takes
>> hours
>>> to complete.
>>> When the optimization is going on say. on the Writer core, the
>> application
>>> wants to continue using the indexes for both query and write purposes.
>> What
>>> is the best approach to do this.
>>> I was thinking of using a temporary index (empty core) to write the
>>> documents and use the same Reader to read the documents. (Please note
>> that
>>> temp index and the Reader cannot be made Reader Writer as Reader is
>> already
>>> setup for the Writer on which optimization is taking place) But there
>> could
>>> be some updates to the temp index which I would like to get reflected in
>>> the Reader. Whats the best setup to support this.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kalika
>> - Mark Miller
>> lucidimagination.com
> -- 
> Thanks & Regards,
> Kalika

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