> So no Hibernate/Solr glue out there already?   It'd be nice if you could use 
> Hibernate as you do, but instead of working with the Lucene API directly it 
> would     > use SolrJ.   If this type of glue doesn't already exist, then 
> that'd be the first step I think.
> Otherwise, you could use Solr directly, but you'll likely be unhappy with the 
> disconnect compared to what you're used to.  SolrJ supports annotations, but 
> not to > the degree that Hibernate does, and even so you'd be left to create 
> an indexer and to wire in updates/deletes as well.

How involved/difficult would you describe using Solr directly is? I
have no experience with Solr, but from what you described it doesn't
sound too bad.


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