On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:45 PM, kumar8anuj <kumar.an...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So where can i get some information on this issue, Can you please help ?

Have you tried simple things like searching Google, using the Tika
site, and, failing these, asking on a Tika-specific mailing list? No
offence, but you might do some basic homework yourself.
* Tika: Not sure how well supported 0.6 is nowadays, but
   http://tika.apache.org/0.6/gettingstarted.html seems to indicate
   that version 3.6 of poi is needed. You should also consider
   switching to a newer version of Tika.
* If that does not work, please try joining a Tika mailing list, and
  asking a more specific question there:


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