> I have the solr-trunk , but queries
> are running on both (on trunk (4.0) and
> on (3.1) ) . then how i can be sure that what query will
> run by surround
> query parser plugin.
> The query i tried :
> http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=abstracts:99n(flat,panel,display)
> http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=abstracts:(poly*%20NEAR%20*lyst)
> The above queries both are running on 3.1 and 4.0
> How i can sure that these query are running by Surround
> Plugin.

You can use q={!surround df=abstracts}99n(flat,panel,display)

If you append &debugQuery=on, it should display some info regarding which query 
parser is used, which Query is constructed etc.

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