Thanks, Erik.  I'm moving on to edismax, and will set q.alt=*:* and not specify 
q if no user provided terms.

Take it easy,


On Nov 22, 2011, at 11:53 AM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

> I think you're using dismax, not edismax. edismax will take q=*:* just fine 
> as it handles all Lucene syntax queries also.  dismax does not.
> So, if you're using dismax and there is no actual query (but you want to get 
> facets), you set q.alt=*:* and omit q - that's entirely by design.
> If there's a non-empty q parameter, q.alt is not considered so there 
> shouldn't be any issues with always have q.alt set if that's what you want.
>       Erik
> On Nov 22, 2011, at 11:15 , Jeff Schmidt wrote:
>> Hi Erik:
>> It's not in the SolrJ library, but rather my use of it:
>> In my application code:
>> protected static final String SOLR_ALL_DOCS_QUERY = "*:*";
>> /*
>> * If no search terms provided, then return all neighbors.
>> * Results are to be returned in neighbor symbol alphabetical order.
>> */
>> if (searchTerms == null) {
>>      searchTerms = SOLR_ALL_DOCS_QUERY;
>>      nodeQuery.addSortField("n_name", SolrQuery.ORDER.asc);
>> }
>> So, if no user search terms are provided, I search all documents (there are 
>> other fqs in effect) and return them in name order.
>> That worked just fine.  Then I read more about [e]dismax, and went and 
>> configured:
>> <str name="q.alt">*:*</str>
>> Then I would get zero results.  It's not a SolrJ issue though, as this 
>> request in my browser also resulted in zero results:
>> http://localhost:8091/solr/ing-content/select/?qt=partner-tmo&fq=type%3Anode&fq=n_neighborof_id%3AING\:afa&q=*:*&rows=5&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=n_neighborof_processExact&facet.field=n_neighborof_edge_type
>> That was due to the q=*:*.  Once I set, say, q=cancer, I got results.  So I 
>> guess this is a [e]dismax thing?  (partner-tmo is the name of my request 
>> handler).
>> I solved my problem by net setting *:* in my application, and left q.alt=*:* 
>> in place.
>> Hope this helps.  Again, this is stock Solr 3.4.0, running the Apache war 
>> under Tomcat 6.
>> Jeff
>> On Nov 22, 2011, at 8:05 AM, Erik Hatcher wrote:
>>> On Nov 22, 2011, at 09:55 , Jeff Schmidt wrote:
>>>> When using [e]dismax, does configuring q.alt=*:* and not specifying q 
>>>> affect the performance/caching in any way?
>>> No different than using q=*:* with the "lucene" query parser.  
>>> MatchAllDocsQuery is possibly the fastest query out there!  (it simply 
>>> matches documents in index order, all scores are 1.0)
>>>> As a side note, a while back I configured q.alt=*:*, and the application 
>>>> (via SolrJ) still set q=*:* if no user input was provided (faceting). With 
>>>> both of them set that way, I got zero results. (Solr 3.4.0)  Interesting.
>>> Ouch.  Really?  I don't see in the code (looking at my trunk checkout) 
>>> where there's any *:* used in the SolrJ library.  Can you provide some 
>>> details on how you used SolrJ?  It'd be good to track this down as that 
>>> seems like a bug to me.
>>>     Erik
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jeff
>>>> On Nov 22, 2011, at 7:06 AM, Erik Hatcher wrote:
>>>>> If all you're doing is filtering (browsing by facets perhaps), it's 
>>>>> perfectly fine to have q=*:*.  MatchAllDocsQuery is fast (and would be 
>>>>> cached anyway), so use *:* as appropriate without worries.
>>>>>   Erik
>>>>> On Nov 22, 2011, at 07:18 , pravesh wrote:
>>>>>> Usually,
>>>>>> Use the 'q' parameter to search for the free text values entered by the
>>>>>> users (where you might want to parse the query and/or apply
>>>>>> boosting/phrase-sloppy, minimum match,tie etc )
>>>>>> Use the 'fq' to limit the searches to certain criterias like location,
>>>>>> date-ranges etc.
>>>>>> Also, avoid using the q=*:* as it implicitly translates to 
>>>>>> matchalldocsquery
>>>>>> Regds
>>>>>> Pravesh
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> View this message in context: 
>>>>>> Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at
>>>> --
>>>> Jeff Schmidt
>>>> 535 Consulting
>>>> (650) 423-1068
>> --
>> Jeff Schmidt
>> 535 Consulting
>> (650) 423-1068

Jeff Schmidt
535 Consulting
(650) 423-1068

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