Can anyone advise techniques for limiting the size of the RAM buffers to
begin with?  As the index grows, I shouldn't have to keep increasing the
heap.  We have a high-ingest, low-query-rate environment and I'm not as
much concerned with the query-time caches as I am with the segment core
readers/SolrIndexSearchers themselves.

On 9 November 2011 06:10, Andre Bois-Crettez <> wrote:

> How much memory you actually allocate to the JVM ?
> allocated_to_the_Java_VM<>
> You need to increase the -Xmx value, otherwise your large ram buffers
> won't fit in the java heap.
> sivaprasad wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am getting the following error during the indexing.I am trying to index
>> 14
>> million records but the document size is very minimal.
>> *Error:*
>> 2011-11-08 14:53:24,634 ERROR [STDERR] (Thread-12)
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
> [...]
>  Do i need to increase the heap size for JVM?
>> My solrconfig settings are given below.
>> <indexDefaults>
>>      <useCompoundFile>false</**useCompoundFile>
>>    <mergeFactor>25</mergeFactor>
>>        <maxBufferedDocs>2</**maxBufferedDocs>
>>       <ramBufferSizeMB>1024</**ramBufferSizeMB>
>>    <maxMergeDocs>2147483647</maxMergeDocs>
>>    <maxFieldLength>10000</**maxFieldLength>
>>    <writeLockTimeout>1000</**writeLockTimeout>
>>    <commitLockTimeout>10000</**commitLockTimeout>
>> and the main index values are
>> <useCompoundFile>false</**useCompoundFile>
>>    <ramBufferSizeMB>512</**ramBufferSizeMB>
>>    <mergeFactor>10</mergeFactor>
>>    <maxMergeDocs>2147483647</maxMergeDocs>
>>    <maxFieldLength>10000</**maxFieldLength>
>> Do i need to increase the ramBufferSizeMB to a little higher?
>> Please provide your inputs.
>> Regards,
>> Siva
>> --
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> --
> André Bois-Crettez
> Search technology, Kelkoo

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