My query for the terms road and show

<str name="q">body:(road show)</str>

returns 4 documents.  The highlighting shows several instances where road 
immediately precedes show.  However, a query for the phrase "road show"

<str name="q">body:("road show")</str>

returns no documents.  I have similar results with "floor show" and "road 
house."  I have verified that the indexed text field contains the phrases I'm 

Here's the XML response

<response><lst name="responseHeader"><int name="status">0</int><int 
name="QTime">1</int><lst name="params"><str name="hl">on</str><str 
name="version">2.2</str><str name="fl">identifier,title,year,volume</str><str 
name="api">c7aab49e267</str><str name="qt"/><str name="fq"/><str 
name="explainOther"/><str name="hl.fl">body</str><str name="wt"/><str 
name="rows">10</str><str name="start">0</str><str name="q">body:("road 
show")</str></lst></lst><result name="response" numFound="0" start="0"/><lst 
What do I do now?


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