Hi Alan,

Solr can do this fast and easy, but I wonder if a simple key-value-store won't fit better for your suits.

Do you really only need to query be chart_id, or do you also need to query by time range?

In either case, as long as your data fits into an in-memory database, I would suggest Redis to you. It's easy to install and use, and it's fast as hell.

If you want to query by time ranges, you can use lists and query them by range using lrange (http://www.redis.io/commands/lrange), at least when you know the first timestamp and the steps are even. Or use a sorted set, and make sure that the values differ.

In my opinion, Solr has too many features that you don't need.


Am 03.12.2011 18:10, schrieb Alan Miller:

I have a webapp that plots a bunch of time series data which
is just a series of doubles coupled with a timestamp.

Every chart in my webapp has a chart_id in my db and i am wondering if it
would be
effective to usr solr to serve the data to my app instead of keeping the
data in my rdbms.

Currently I'm using hadoop to calc and generate the report data and the
sticking it in my
rdbms but I could use solrj client to upload the data to a solr index

I know solr if for indexing text documents but would it be effective to use
solr in this way?

I want to query by chart_id and get back a series of timestamp:double pairs.


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