I'm not really sure how to title this but here's what I'm trying to do.

I have a query that creates a rather large dictionary of codes that are shared 
across multiple fields of a base entity.  I'm using the 
cachedsqlentityprocessor but I was curious if there was a way to join this 
multiple times to the base entity so I can avoid having to reload it for each 
column join.

<entity name="parts" query="select name, code1, code2, code3 from parts">
  <field column="name" name="name" />
    <entity name="shareddictionary1" query="select code, description from 
partcodes" where="code=parts.code1">
      <field column="description" name="code1desc" /></entity>
    <entity name="shareddictionary2" query="select code, description from 
partcodes" where="code=parts.code2">
      <field column="description" name="code1desc" /></entity>
    <entity name="shareddictionary3" query="select code, description from 
partcodes" where="code=parts.code3">
      <field column="description" name="code1desc" /></entity>

Kind of a simplified example but in this case the dictionary query has to be 
run 3 times to join 3 different columns.  It would be nice if I could load the 
data set once as an entity and specify how to join it in code without requiring 
a separate sql query.  Any ideas?

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