Am 07.12.2011 15:09, schrieb Finotti Simone:
I got your and Michael's point. Indeed, I'm not very skilled in web devolpment 
so there may be something that I'm missing. Anyway, Endeca does something like 

1. accept a query
2. does the stemming;
3. check if the result of the step 2. matches one of the redirectable words. If 
so, returns an URL, otherwise returns the regular matching documents (our 
products' description).

Do you think that in Solr I will be able to replicate this behaviour without 
writing a custom plugin (request handler, response writer, etc)? Maybe I'm a 
little dense, but I fail to see how it would be possible...

Endeca not only is a search engine, it's part of a web application. You can send a query to the Endeca engine and send the response directly to the user; it's already fully rendered. (At least when you configured it this way.)

Solr can't do this in any way. Solr responses are always pure technical data, not meant to be delivered to an end user. An exception to this is the VelocityResponseWriter which can fill a web template.

Anything beyond the possibilities of the VelocityReponseWriter must be handled by some web application that anaylzes Solr's reponses.

How do you want ot display your product descriptions, the default case? I don't think you want to show some XML data.

Solr is a great search engine, but not more. It's just a small subset of commercial search frameworks like Endeca. Therefore, you can't simply replace it, you'll need some web application.

However, you don't need a custom response writer in this case, nor do you have to Solr extend in any way. At least not for this requrement.


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