On 08/12/2011 05:00, Mark Miller wrote:
Replication just copies the index, so I'm not sure how this would help offhand?

With SolrCloud this is a breeze - just fire up another replica for a shard and 
the current index will replicate to it.

If you where willing to export the data to some portable format and then pull 
it back in, why not just store the original data and reindex?

This was actually one of the situations that motivated that jira issue - there are scenarios where reindexing, or keeping the original data, is very costly, in terms of space, time, I/O, pre-processing costs, curating, merging, etc, etc...

The good news is that once the recent work on the codecs is merged with the trunk then we can revisit this issue and implement it with much less effort than before - we could even start by modifying SimpleTextCodec to be more lenient, and proceed from there.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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