OK. Thanks for help. I gonna try do migrate

2011/12/14 Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org>

> : I have a old project that use Lucene 2.9. Its possible to use the index
> : created by lucene in SOLR? May i just copy de index to data directory of
> : SOLR, or exists some mechanism to import Lucene index?
> you can use an index created directly with lucene libraries in Solr, but
> in order for Solr to understand that index and do anything meaningful with
> it you have to configure solr with a schema.xml file that makes sense
> given the custom code used to build that index (ie: what fields did you
> store, what fields did you index, what analyzers did you use, what fields
> dod you index with term vectors, etc...)
> -Hoss

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