Hi Swapna,

Do you want to modify the *indexed* value or the *stored* value? The
analyzers modify the indexed value. To modify the stored value, the only
option that I'm aware of is to write an UpdateProcessor that changes the
document before it's indexed.


On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 2:05 AM, Swapna Vuppala <swapna.vupp...@arup.com>wrote:

> Hi Juan,
> Thanks for the reply. I tried using this, but I don't see any effect of
> the analyzer/filter.
> I tried copying my Solr field to another field of the type defined below.
> Then I indexed couple of documents with the new schema, but I see that both
> fields have got the same value.
> Am looking at the indexed data in Luke.
> Am assuming that analyzers process the field value (as specified by
> various filters etc) and then store the modified value. Is that true ? What
> else could I be missing here ?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Swapna.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Juan Grande [mailto:juan.gra...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 11:50 PM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Trim and copy a solr field
> Hi Swapna,
> You could try using a copyField to a field that uses
> PatternReplaceFilterFactory:
>    <fieldType class="solr.TextField" name="path_location">
>      <analyzer>
>        <tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
>        <filter class="solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory" pattern="(.*)/.*"
> replacement="$1"/>
>      </analyzer>
>    </fieldType>
> The regular expression may not be exactly what you want, but it will give
> you an idea of how to do it. I'm pretty sure there must be some other ways
> of doing this, but this is the first that comes to my mind.
> *Juan*
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 4:46 AM, Swapna Vuppala <swapna.vupp...@arup.com
> >wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a Solr field that contains the absolute path of the file that is
> > indexed, which will be something like
> >
> file://///myserver/Folder1/SubFol1/Sub-Fol2/Test.msg<file:///\\myserver\Folder1\SubFol1\Sub-Fol2\Test.msg>.
> >
> > Am interested in indexing the location in a separate field.  I was
> looking
> > for some way to trim the field value from last occurrence of char "/", so
> > that I can get the location value, something like
> >
> file://///myserver/Folder1/SubFol1/Sub-Fol2<file:///\\myserver\Folder1\SubFol1\Sub-Fol2>,
> > and store it in a new field. Can you please suggest some way to achieve
> > this ?
> >
> > Thanks and Regards,
> > Swapna.
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