Hi all,

I am using Solr 4.0 trunk with the Field Collapsing feature 
(http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FieldCollapsing) and I notice that when used at 
the same time as the fsv=true parameter, the sort_values in the response is 
gone. I haven't found much information about the fsv parameter, so I turned to 
the list to see if someone here can help us out, or shed some light if there is 
any incompatibility between the two features (which is what I think is 
happening, because of the field collapse implementation). Or maybe give us some 
pointers on how to achieve a similar effect.

We use fsv=true to help in debugging as to why one document was sorted on top 
of the other when using certain sort orders in our application, so this is a  
great way to visualize this and save us debugging time.

To clarify further, we send in this query to Solr expecting the <grouped>, 
<sort_values> and <debug> tags to be on the response, with the <sort_values> 
arrays corresponding to the first element of each group:


But we don't get the <sort_values> part back, we only get the following 
top-level tags in the response:
<lst name="responseHeader">…
<lst name="grouped">…
<lst name="debug">…

If we don't use Field Collapsing, and instead send in something like this:


Then we do get the <sort_values> element in the response:

<lst name="responseHeader">
<lst name="sort_values">
<result name="response"…
<lst name="debug">

Is there some incompatibility between the two features? Any other way to 
retrieve this information in a way that would be compatible with field 


Jose Aguilar

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