: Looks like you've experienced the issue described with fixes here: 
: <http://www.lucidimagination.com/search/document/48b9e75fe68be4b7>

but specifically, since you've already copied the jar file in question, 
and are now getting a class not found for the *baseclass* it suggests you 
have a diff problem....

: > What I have done this far is basicly just to copy the /example/solr 
: folder, install the webapp .war file in a tomcat instance and start up. 
: > > At first I complained about the VelocityResponseWriter, so i created 
: a /lib folder in /$SOLR_HOME and added the velocity jar from dist. That 
: seemed to take care of the VRW error. > > But now I get an 
: "NoClassDefFoundError" wich sais something about QueryResponseWriter. So 

...that suggests that it is loading VRW at a higher (or lower depending on 
how you look at it) classloader then where it loads the rest of the solr 

if you are using the example solr setup, then it sounds like you copied 
the jar to "example/lib" (which is where the jetty jars live) instead of 
"example/solr/lib" (which would be a new lib folder in the $SOLR_HOME dir.

unfortunately, people frequently get these confused, which is one of the 
reasons i have started encouraging people to just use the <lib /> 
declarations in their solrconfig.xml file instead of making a single "lib" 
dir in $SOLR_HOME.  (but either way, you'll need to remove the copy of the 
VRW jar you've got loading in the system classpath before either approach 
will work)


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