Ok, I have made progresses, I built my architecture and I execute queries ,
inside the "PostCommit" method, and they are launched as i want.
But The core can't see the early updated documents and the commit ends
after than the "postCommit" method has ended!!
But i have to see the early updated document, this is the principal need of
my plugin.
How can i search the early indexed documents? How can i open the new
searcher? and where?
Inside the postCommit seems to be not good...
Any suggestion?

2011/12/29 Alessandro Benedetti <benedetti.ale...@gmail.com>

> Hi guys,
> I'm developing a custom SolrEventListener, and inside the PostCommit()
> method I need to execute some queries and collect results.
> In my SolrEventListener class, I have a SolrCore
> Object( org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore) and a list of queries (Strings ).
> How can I use the SolrCore to optimally parse the queries ( I have to
> parse them like Solr Query parser does and launch them?
> I'm fighting with Searchers and Execute methods in the solrCore object,
> but I don't know which is the best way to do this ...
> Cheers
> --
> --------------------------
> Benedetti Alessandro
> Personal Page: http://tigerbolt.altervista.org
> "Tyger, tyger burning bright
> In the forests of the night,
> What immortal hand or eye
> Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"
> William Blake - Songs of Experience -1794 England


Benedetti Alessandro
Personal Page: http://tigerbolt.altervista.org

"Tyger, tyger burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

William Blake - Songs of Experience -1794 England

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