I really don't understand what this means:
"random sorting for the records but also preserving the ranking"

Either you're sorting on rank or you're not. If you mean you're
trying to shift things around just a little bit, *mostly* respecting
relevance then I guess you can do what you're thinking.

You could create your own function query to do the boosting, see:

which would keep you from having to re-index your data to get
a different "randomness".

You could also consider external file fields, but I think your
own function query would be cleaner. I don't think math.random
is a supported function OOB


On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Alexandre Rocco <alel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Recently i've been trying to tweak some aspects of relevancy in one listing
> project.
> I need to give a higher score to newer documents and also boost the
> document based on a boolean field that indicates the listing has pictures.
> On top of that, in some situations we need a random sorting for the records
> but also preserving the ranking.
> I tried to combine some techniques described in the Solr Relevancy FAQ
> wiki, but when I add the random sorting, the ranking gets messy (as
> expected).
> This works well:
> http://localhost:18979/solr/select/?start=0&rows=15&q={!boost%20b=recip(ms(NOW/HOUR,date_updated),3.16e-11,1,1)}active%3a%22true%22+AND+featured%3a%22false%22+_val_:%haspicture%22&fl=*,score
> This does not work, gives a random order on what is already ranked
> http://localhost:18979/solr/select/?start=0&rows=15&q={!boost%20b=recip(ms(NOW/HOUR,date_updated),3.16e-11,1,1)}active%3a%22true%22+AND+featured%3a%22false%22+_val_:%haspicture%22&fl=*,score&sort=random_1+desc
> The only way I see is to create another field on the schema containing a
> random value and use it to boost the document the same way that was tone on
> the boolean field.
> Anyone tried something like this before and knows some way to get it
> working?
> Thanks,
> Alexandre

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