First query will cause the index caches to be warmed up and this is why
the first query takes some time.

You can prewarm the caches with a query (when solr starts up) of your
choosing in the config file. Google around the SolrWiki on cache/index


> hi,
> I had an solr3.3 index of 200,000 documents, all text are stored and the
> total index size is 27gb.
> I used dismax query with over 10 qf and pf boosting field each, plus
> sorting on score and other 2 fields. It took quite a few seconds(5-8) for
> the first time query to return any result(no highlighting is invloved).
> (even slower for phrase query)
> My question is, what is the bottle neck of the query speed? lucene query
> part? Scoring? or fill document cache with document content? Can anyone
> answer?
> Is there anyway of improving the first time query speed?
> thanks in advance,
> shen

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