

I have so far been unable to get more than one term highlighted for a
given field. In the example below, I expected (and want) both the words
"Scheduling" and "Pickup" to be surrounded with <em></em>, but only one
word is ever highlighted. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Points of interest:

-          Using solr 3.3 and solrj, but my issue manifests as well in
the solr admin Full Interface search page (currently running locally
under eclipse/ WebLogic:

-          Relevant schema details :

o   <field name="Title" type="text_en" indexed="true" stored="true"/>

o   <field name="TOC" type="text_en" indexed="true" stored="true"
required="false" multiValued="true"/>

-          Query is simply "scheduled pickup"


An snippet of the results returned from the solr admin search page are
as follows:


<lst name="params">

<str name="start">0</str>

<str name="wt"/>

<str name="fq"/>

<str name="version">2.2</str>

<str name="explainOther"/>

<str name="indent">on</str>

<str name="fl">Title,TOC,score</str>

<str name="hl">on</str>

<str name="qt"/>

<str name="rows">10</str>

<str name="q">scheduled pickup</str>

<str name="hl.fl">Title, TOC</str>


<result name="response" numFound="130" start="0" maxScore="2.263531">



<float name="score">2.0976832</float>

<arr name="TOC">


Overview - Scheduling a Pickup, System Procedures



<str name="Title">

Scheduling a Pickup





<lst name="highlighting">

                <lst name=...(The document's unique index field is

<arr name="Title">


Scheduling a <em>Pickup</em>



<arr name="TOC">


Overview - Scheduling a <em>Pickup</em>, System Procedures




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