Hi Anderson,

Thank you for your effort.I will try this.
Hope it will solve my problem.


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Anderson vasconcelos <
anderson.v...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Parvin
> I did something that may help you. I set up apache (with mod_proxy and mode
> balance) like a front-end and use this to distruted the request of my
> aplication. Request for /update or /optmize, i'm redirect to master (or
> masters) server and requests /search i redirect to slaves. Example:
> <Proxy balancer://solrclusterindex>
> BalancerMember disablereuse=On
> route=jvm1
> </Proxy>
> <Proxy balancer://solrclustersearch>
> BalancerMember disablereuse=On
> route=jvm1
> BalancerMember disablereuse=On
> route=jvm2
> </Proxy>
> ProxyPassMatch /solrcluster(.*)/update(.*)$
> balancer://solrclusterindex$1/update$2
> ProxyPassMatch /solrcluster(.*)/select(.*)$
> balancer://solrclustersearch$1/select$2
> I hope it helps you

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