Sean, Ahmet,
thanks for response:)

I use Solr 4.0 from trunk.
In my solrconfig.xml is only one maxFieldLength param.
I think it is deprecated in Solr Versions 3.5+...

But LimitTokenCountFilterFactory works in my case :)


2012/1/26 Ahmet Arslan <>:
>> i want to decrease the max. number of terms for my fields to
>> 500.
>> I thought what the maxFieldLength parameter in
>> solrconfig.xml is
>> intended for this.
>> In my case it doesn't work.
>> The half of my text fields includes longer text(about 10000
>> words).
>> With 100 docs in my index i had an segment size of 1140KB
>> for indexed
>> data and 270KB for stored data (.fdx, .fdt).
>> After a change from default
>> <maxFieldLength>10000</maxFieldLength> to
>> <maxFieldLength>500</maxFieldLength>,
>> delete(index folder), restarting Tomcat and reindex, i see
>> the same
>> segment sizes (1140KB for indexed and 270KB for stored
>> data).
>> Please tell me if I made an error in reasoning.
> What version of solr are you using?
> Could it be 

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