I created issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3062 for this
problem.  I was able to track it down to something in this commit -
http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1188624 (LUCENE-1536:
Filters can now be applied down-low, if their DocIdSet implements a new
bits() method, returning all documents in a random access way
) - before that commit the join / fq functionality works as expected /
documented on the wiki page.  After that commit it's broken.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!



On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Mike Hugo <m...@piragua.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying out the Solr JOIN query functionality on trunk.  I have the
> latest checkout, revision #1236272 - I did the following steps to get the
> example up and running:
> cd solr
> ant example
> java -jar start.jar
> cd exampledocs
> java -jar post.jar *.xml
> Then I tried a few of the sample queries on the wiki page
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/Join.  In particular, this is one that I'm
> interest in
> Find all manufacturer docs named "belkin", then join them against
>> (product) docs and filter that list to only products with a price less than
>> 12 dollars
>> http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q={!join+from=id+to=manu_id_s}compName_s:Belkin&fq=price:%5B%2A+TO+12%5D<http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=%7B!join+from=id+to=manu_id_s%7DcompName_s:Belkin&fq=price:%5B%2A+TO+12%5D>
> However, when I run that query, I get two results, one with a price of
> 19.95 and another with a price of 11.5  Because of the filter query, I'm
> only expecting to see one result - the one with a price of 11.99.
> I was also able to replicate this in a unit test added to
> org.apache.solr.TestJoin:
>   @Test
>   public void testJoin_withFilterQuery() throws Exception {
>     assertU(add(doc("id", "1","name", "john", "title", "Director",
> "dept_s","Engineering")));
>     assertU(add(doc("id", "2","name", "mark", "title", "VP",
> "dept_s","Marketing")));
>     assertU(add(doc("id", "3","name", "nancy", "title", "MTS",
> "dept_s","Sales")));
>     assertU(add(doc("id", "4","name", "dave", "title", "MTS",
> "dept_s","Support", "dept_s","Engineering")));
>     assertU(add(doc("id", "5","name", "tina", "title", "VP",
> "dept_s","Engineering")));
>     assertU(add(doc("id","10", "dept_id_s", "Engineering", "text","These
> guys develop stuff")));
>     assertU(add(doc("id","11", "dept_id_s", "Marketing", "text","These
> guys make you look good")));
>     assertU(add(doc("id","12", "dept_id_s", "Sales", "text","These guys
> sell stuff")));
>     assertU(add(doc("id","13", "dept_id_s", "Support", "text","These guys
> help customers")));
>     assertU(commit());
>     //***********
>     //This works as expected - the correct number of results are found
>     //***********
>     // find people that develop stuff
>     assertJQ(req("q","{!join from=dept_id_s to=dept_s}text:develop",
> "fl","id")
> ,"/response=={'numFound':3,'start':0,'docs':[{'id':'1'},{'id':'4'},{'id':'5'}]}"
>     );
> *    //************
> *    // this fails - the response returned finds all three people - it
> should only find John*
> *    //    expected
> =/response=={"numFound":1,"start":0,"docs":[{"id":"1"}]}*
> *    //    response = {*
> *    //        "responseHeader":{*
> *    //      "status":0,*
> *    //          "QTime":4},*
> *    //    "response":{"numFound":3,"start":0,"docs":[*
> *    //      {*
> *    //        "id":"1"},*
> *    //      {*
> *    //        "id":"4"},*
> *    //      {*
> *    //        "id":"5"}]*
> *    //    }}*
> *    //************
> *    // find people that develop stuff - but limit via filter query to a
> name of "john"*
> *    assertJQ(req("q","{!join from=dept_id_s to=dept_s}text:develop",
> "fl","id", "fq", "name:john")*
> *        ,"/response=={'numFound':1,'start':0,'docs':[{'id':'1'}]}"*
> *    );*
>   }
> Interestingly, I know this worked at some point.  I had a snapshot build
> in my ivy cache from 10/2/2011 and it was working with that
> build maven_artifacts/org/apache/solr/
> solr/4.0-SNAPSHOT/solr-4.0-20111002.161157-1.pom"
> Mike

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