Pardon my ignorance, Why can't the IndexWriter and IndexSearcher share
the same underlying in-memory datastructure so that IndexSearcher need
not be reopened with every commit.

On 2/6/12, Erick Erickson <> wrote:
> Your continuous deletes won't affect performance
> noticeably, that's true.
> But you're really doing bad things with the commit after every
> add or delete. You haven't said whether you have a master/
> slave setup or not, but assuming you're searching on
> the same machine you're indexing to, each time you commit,
> you're forcing the underlying searcher to close and re-open and
> any attendant autowarming to occur. All to get a single
> document searchable. 20 times a second. If you have a master/
> slave setup, you're forcing the slave to fetch the changed
> parts of the index every time it polls, which is better than
> what's happening on the master, but still rather often.
> 400K documents isn't very big by Solr standards, so unless
> you can show performance problems, I wouldn't be concerned
> about index size, as Otis says, your per-document commit
> is probably hurting you far more than any index size
> savings.
> I'd actually think carefully about whether you need even
> 10 second commits. If you can stretch that out to minutes,
> so much the better. But it all depends upon your problem
> space.
> Best
> Erick
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 2:59 AM, prasenjit mukherjee
> <> wrote:
>> Thanks Otis. commitWithin  will definitely work for me ( as I
>> currently am using 3.4 version, which doesnt have NRT yet ).
>> Assuming that I use commitWithin=10secs, are you saying that the
>> continuous deletes ( without commit ) wont have any affect on
>> performance ?
>> I was under the impression that deletes just mark the doc-ids (
>> essentially means that the index size will remain the same ) , but
>> wont actually do the compaction till someone calls optimize/commit, is
>> my assumption  not true ?
>> -Thanks,
>> Prasenjit
>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Otis Gospodnetic
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Prasenjit,
>>> It sounds like at this point your main enemy might be those per-doc-add
>>> commits.  Don't commit until you need to see your new docs in results.
>>> And if you need NRT then use softCommit option with Solr trunk
>>> ( or use
>>> commitWithin to limit commit's "performance damage".
>>>  Otis
>>> ----
>>> Performance Monitoring SaaS for Solr -
>>>> From: prasenjit mukherjee <>
>>>>To: solr-user <>
>>>>Sent: Monday, February 6, 2012 1:17 AM
>>>>Subject: effect of continuous deletes on index's read performance
>>>>I have a use case where documents are continuously added @ 20 docs/sec
>>>>( each doc add is also doing a commit )  and docs continuously getting
>>>>deleted at the same rate. So the searchable index size remains the
>>>>same : ~ 400K docs ( docs for last 6 hours ~ 20*3600*6).
>>>>Will it have pauses when deletes triggers compaction. Or with every
>>>>commits ( while adds ) ? How bad they will effect on search response

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