hi all,
    we have used solr to provide searching service in many products. I
found for each product, we have to do some configurations and query
    our users are not used to this. they are familiar with sql and they may
describe like this: I want a query that can search books whose title
contains java, and I will group these books by publishing year and order by
matching score and freshness, the weight of score is 2 and the weight of
freshness is 1.
    maybe they will be happy if they can use sql like statements to convey
their needs.
    select * from books where title contains java group by pub_year order
by score^2, freshness^1
    also they may like they can insert or delete documents by delete from
books where title contains java and pub_year between 2011 and 2012.
    we can define some language similar to sql and translate the to solr
query string such as .../select/?q=+title:java^2 +pub_year:2011....
    this may be equivalent to apache hive for hadoop.

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