On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Yonik Seeley <yo...@lucidimagination.com>wrote:

> Your're making many assumptions about how Solr works internally.

True that. If this spike turns into a project, digging through the source
code will come. Meantime, we have to start somewhere, and the default
configuration may not be the greatest starting point for this problem.

We don't need highlighting, and only need ids, scores and total number of
results out of Solr. Presentation of selected entities will have to include
some write-heavy data (from RDBMS and/or memcached), therefore won't be
Solr's business anyway.

>From what you said, I guess it won't hurt to give it a small document
cache, just big enough to prevent streaming the same document twice within
the same query. Still don't have a reason to have a query cache - because
of lon/lat coming from the mobile devices, there are virtually no repeated
queries in our production logs. Or am I making a bad assumption here, too?

Alexey Verkhovsky
CruiseControl.rb [http://cruisecontrolrb.thoughtworks.com]

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