you can fool the lucene scoring fuction. override each function such as idf
queryNorm lengthNorm and let them simply return 1.0f.
I don't lucene 4 will expose more details. but for 2.x/3.x, lucene can only
score by vector space model and the formula can't be replaced by users.

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Nicholas Clark <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking for a way to sort results by the number of matching terms.
> Being able to sort by the coord() value or by the overlap value that gets
> passed into the coord() function would do the trick. Is there a way I can
> expose those values to the sort function?
> I'd appreciate any help that points me in the right direction. I'm OK with
> making basic code modifications.
> Thanks!
> -Nick

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