Hi all

(Note: this question is cross-posted on stackoverflow: 

I have a Solr index that uses quite a few dynamic fields. I've recently changed 
my code to reduce the amount of data we index with Solr, significantly reducing 
the number of dynamic fields that are in use.

I've reindexed my data, and the doc count (as displayed in the admin schema 
browser) for the old fields has dropped to zero. But I'm confused as to why the 
fields still exist. I've done an optimize, and restarted the server, but I 
can't find any information on whether there's a way to get these fields to 

Am I now stuck with these fields unless I recreate the index from scratch? 
We're talking about a significant reduction in fields (about 200 -> 30), and 
I'm worried about the performance impact of keeping them floating around.

Andrew Ingram

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