SOLR-3159 will bring Jetty 8 to Solr trunk. It mentions that the JDK is required for JSP under Jetty 8 (and getting rid of JSP in Solr), which probably means that Apache can't put it into branch_3x. My systems use the JDK, so I would not expect that to be a problem for me. Solr is not directly accessible to the outside world, so I am not worried about any security implications associated with having the JDK installed. I'm running 3.5.0 with a couple of patches installed.

I downloaded the Jetty 8 distribution and noticed that it has a lot more files in etc/ than the example Solr, which just has jetty.xml. I am using a setup based on the Solr example. Would I need all these new config files, or is the jetty.xml that I already have enough?


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