I've got a hierarchical facet in my Solr collection; root level values are 
prefixed with 0;, and the next level is prefixed 1_foovalue;.  I can get the 
root level easily enough, but when foovalue is selected I need to retrieve the 
next level in the hierarchy while still displaying all of the options in the 
root level.  I can't work out how to request either two different prefixes for 
the facet, or the same facet twice using different prefixes.

I've found a couple of discussions online that suggest I ought to be able to 
set the prefix using local params:

    facet.field={!prefix=1_foovalue; key=bar}foo

but the prefix seems to be ignored, as the facet returned contains all values.  
Should I just <copyField source="foo" dest="bar" /> so I can query using 
f.foo.facet.prefix=0;&f.bar.facet.prefix=1_foovalue;, or is there another way I 
can request the two different levels of my facet hierarchy at once?

I'm using Solr 3.5.


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