If I have a multivalued field with values as follows

<arr name="clothing"><str>black pants</str><str>white shirt</str></arr>

and I do a query against that field with highlighting enabled as follows

/select?hl.fl=clothing&rows=5&q=clothing:black clothing:shirt&hl=on&indent=true

I thought I would see the following in the highlights

<arr name="clothing"><str><em>black</em> pants</str><str>white

but instead I'm seeing the following

<arr name="clothing"><str><em>black</em> pants</str></arr>

is this expected?

Also I'm using a custom highlighter which extends SolrHighlighter but
99.9% of it is a straight copy of DefaultSolrHighlighter with support
from pulling unstored fields from an external data base, so I expect
that this works the same was as DefaultSolrHighlighter, but if this is
not the expected case I will try with DefaultSolrHighlighter.

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