what do u mean "programmatically"? modify codes of solr? becuase solr is
not like lucene, it only provide http interfaces for its users other than
java api

if you want to modify solr, you can find codes in SolrCore
private final LinkedList<RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher>> _searchers = new
and _searcher is current searcher.
be careful to use searcherLock to synchronizing your codes.
maybe you can write your codes like:


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 3:18 AM, Michael Ryan <mr...@moreover.com> wrote:

> Is there a way to limit the number of searchers that can be open at a
> given time?  I know there is a maxWarmingSearchers configuration that
> limits the number of warming searchers, but that's not quite what I'm
> looking for...
> Ideally, when I commit, I want there to only be one searcher open before
> the commit, so that during the commit and warming, there is a max of two
> searchers open.  I'd be okay with delaying the commit until there is only
> one searcher open.  Is there a way to programmatically determine how many
> searchers are currently open?
> -Michael

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