I know it goes against the grain here for a DB
person, but... denormalize. Really. Solr does
many things well, but whenever you start
trying to make it do database-like stuff you need
to back up and re-think things.....

Simplest thing: Try indexing one record
for each customer/purchase/complaint
triplet. How many records are we talking here
anyway? 30-40M documents will probably
perform admirably on even a small piece
of hardware.


On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 12:55 AM, Angelyna Bola <angelyna.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bill,
> So sorry - my example is rapidly showing its short comings. The data I
> am actually working with is complex and obscure so I was trying to
> think of an example that was easy to relate to, but still has all the
> relevant characteristics.
> Let me try a better example:
> Let's suppose a Company is selling products and keeps track of
> complaints (which do not relate to any specific purchase):
> Data:
>        Table #1: CUSTOMERS    (parent table)
>                City
>                State
>                Zip
>        Table #2: PURCHASES    (child table with foreign key to CUSTOMERS)
>                Date
>                Product Type
>                Quantity
>        Table #3: COMPLAINTS   (child table with foreign key to CUSTOMERS)
>                Date
>                Complaint Type
>                Complaint Text
>                Remediation
> And the company wants to be able to query how their customers buy
> products and complaints.
> The tricky part is company needs to be able to blend string queries
> with date range queires and integer range queries.
> Query:
>        CUSTOMERS in Vermont
>        and
>        PURCHASES within the last 1 year with a Quantity > 75
>        and
>        COMPLAINTS within the last 2 years with a Complaint Type = XYZ and
> Complaint Text contains the words ABC and EFG
> Problem:
> The problem with multi-valued fields is I loose the ability to do
> range queries over numeric attributes (such as Quantity or Date) when
> they only relate to other specific attributes (such as Product or
> Service Type).
> With the Join feature in Solr Trunk, I have no problem joining
> CUSTOMERS to PURCHASES or alternatively joining CUSTOMERS to
> COMPLAINTS. But I do not see a way of joining across all three.
> Hopefully I have done a better job with this example (appreciate your
> patience in trying to help me - I am not always the best at
> explaining).
> Angelyna

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