
I need to setup an index that have relational data. This index will be for
houses to rent, where the user will search for date, price, holydays (by
name), etc.

The problem is that the same house can have different prices for different

If I denormalyze this data, I will show the same house multiple times in
the resultset, and I don't want this.

So, for example:

House  Holyday       Price per day
1          Xmas          $ 75.00
1          July 4          $ 50.00
1          Valentine's   $ 15.00
2          Xmas           $ 50.00
2          July 4          $ 10.00

If I query for all data, I'll get 3 documents for the same house (house 1),
but I just want to show it one time to the end-user.

There is some way to do this in Solr (Without processing it in my app)?


*"E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertará." (João 8:32)*

 *andre.maldonado*@gmail.com <andre.maldon...@gmail.com>
 (11) 9112-4227

  <http://twitter.com/andremaldonado> <http://www.delicious.com/andre.maldonado>

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