true. but how can you find documents containing that field without expanding 
1000 clauses?

<br><br><br>------- Original Message -------
On 3/19/2012  07:24 AM Erick Erickson wrote:<br>bq: So all I want to do is a simple 
"all docs with something in this field,
<br>and to highlight the field"
<br>But that doesn't really make sense to do at the Solr/Lucene level. All
<br>you're saying is that you want that field highlighted. Wouldn't it be much
<br>easier to just do this at the app level whenever your field had anything
<br>returned in it?
<br>On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Darren Govoni <> wrote:
<br>> Thanks for the tip Hoss.
<br>> I notice that it appears sometimes and was varying because my index runs
<br>> would sometimes have different amount of docs, etc.
<br>> So all I want to do is a simple "all docs with something in this field,
<br>> and to highlight the field".
<br>> Is the query expansion to "all possible terms in the index" really
<br>> necessary? I could have 100's of thousands of possible terms. Why should
<br>> they all become explicit query elements? Seems overkill and
<br>> underperformant.
<br>> Is there a another way with Lucene or not really?
<br>> On Thu, 2012-03-08 at 16:18 -0800, Chris Hostetter wrote:
<br>>> :   I am suddenly getting a maxClauseCount exception for no reason. I am
<br>>> : using Solr 3.5. I have only 206 documents in my index.
<br>>> Unless things have changed the reason you are seeing this is because
<br>>> _highlighting_ a query (clause) like "type_s:[*+TO+*]" requires rewriting
<br>>> it into a giant boolean query of all the terms in that field -- so even 
<br>>> you only have 206 docs, if you have more then 206 values in that field in
<br>>> your index, you're going to go over 1024 terms.
<br>>> (you don't get this problem in a basic query, because it doens't need to
<br>>> enumerate all the terms, it rewrites it to a ConstantScoreQuery)
<br>>> what you most likeley want to do, is move some of those clauses like
<br>>> "type_s:[*+TO+*]: and "usergroup_sm:admin") out of your main "q" query 
<br>>> into "fq" filters ... so they can be cached independently, won't
<br>>> contribute to scoring (just matching) and won't be used in highlighting.
<br>>> : 
 hits=204 status=500 QTime=166 |#]
<br>>> : [#|2012-02-22T13:40:13.131-0500|SEVERE|glassfish3.1.1|
<br>>> : org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter|
<br>>> : 
<br>>> : $TooManyClauses: maxClauseCount is set to 1024
<br>>> :     at
<br>>>       ...
<br>>> :     at
<br>>> :
<br>>> :     at
<br>>> :
<br>>> -Hoss

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