I just read the edismax pf functionality and it covers all my needs.

Many thanks :)

2012/3/19 Samuel García Martínez <samuelgmarti...@gmail.com>

> Hi all, i have a question about boosting a given doc based on query terms
> proximity.
> *query*: dog food*doc1*: "my dog eat food"*doc2*: "i have purchased the dog 
> food on amazon paying with paypal"
> Current scoring tf/idf algorithm scores higher doc1 because length
> normalization.
> Is there any method to boost terms proximity for a given field?
> I'm using dismax query parser.
> --
> Un saludo,
> Samuel García.

Un saludo,
Samuel García.
  • Boosting near terms Samuel García Martínez
    • Re: Boosting near terms Samuel García Martínez

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