here is my method.
1. check out latest source codes from trunk or download tar ball
    svn checkout

2. create a dynamic web project in eclipse and close it.
       for example, I create a project name lucene-solr-trunk in my

3. copy/mv the source code to this project(it's not necessary)
       here is my directory structure
       lili@lili-desktop:~/workspace/lucene-solr-trunk$ ls
bin.tests-framework  build  lucene_trunk  src  testindex  WebContent
      lucene_trunk is the top directory checked out from svn in step 1.
4. remove WebContent generated by eclipse and modify it to a soft link to
      lili@lili-desktop:~/workspace/lucene-solr-trunk$ ll WebContent
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lili lili 28 2011-08-18 18:50 WebContent ->
5. open lucene_trunk/dev-tools/eclipse/dot.classpath. copy all lines like
kind="src" to a temp file
<classpathentry kind="src" path="lucene/core/src/java"/>
<classpathentry kind="src" path="lucene/core/src/resources"/>
6. replace all string like path="xxx" to path="lucene_trunk/xxx" and copy
them into .classpath file
7. mkdir WebContent/WEB-INF/lib
8. extract all jar file in dot.classpath to WebContent/WEB-INF/lib
    I use this command:
    lili@lili-desktop:~/workspace/lucene-solr-trunk/lucene_trunk$ cat
dev-tools/eclipse/dot.classpath |grep "kind=\"lib"|awk -F "path=\"" '{print
$2}' |awk -F "\"/>" '{print $1}' |xargs cp ../WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/
9. open this project and refresh it.
    if everything is ok, it will compile all java files successfully. if
there is something wrong, Probably we don't use the correct jar. because
there are many versions of the same library.
10. right click the project -> debug As -> debug on Server
    it will fail because no solr home is specified.
11. right click the project -> debug As -> debug Configuration -> Arguments
Tab -> VM arguments
     you can also add other vm arguments like -Xmx1g here.
12. all fine, add a break point at SolrDispatchFilter.doFilter(). all solr
request comes here
13. have fun~

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Karthick Duraisamy Soundararaj <> wrote:

> Hi Solr Ppl,
>                I have been trying to set up solr dev env. I downloaded the
> tar ball of eclipse and the solr 3.5 source. Here are the exact sequence of
> steps I followed
> I extracted the solr 3.5 source and eclipse.
> I installed run-jetty-run plugin for eclipse.
> I ran ant eclipse in the solr 3.5 source directory
> I used eclipse's "Open existing project" option to open up the files in
> solr 3.5 directory. I got a huge tree in the name of lucene_solr.
> I run it and there is a SEVERE error: System property not set excetption. *
> solr*.test.sys.*prop1* not set and then the jetty loads solr. I then try
> localhost:8080/solr/select/ I get null pointer execpiton. I am only able to
> access admin page.
> Is there anything else I need to do?
> I tried to follow
> .
> But I dont find the solr-3.5.war file. I tried ant dist to generate the
> dist folder but that has many jars and wars..
> I am able to compile the source with ant compile, get the solr in example
> directory up and running.
> Will be great if someone can help me with this.
> Thanks,
> Karthick

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