On 3/26/2012 6:43 PM, Mark Miller wrote:
It doesn't get thrown because that logic needs to continue - you don't 
necessarily want one bad document to stop all the following documents from 
being added. So the exception is sent to that method with the idea that you can 
override and do what you would like. I've written sample code around stopping 
and throwing an exception, but I guess its not totally trivial. Other ideas for 
reporting errors have been thrown around in the past, but no work on it has 
gotten any traction.

It looks like StreamingUpdateSolrServer is not meant for situations where strict error checking is required. I think the documentation should reflect that. Would you be opposed to a javadoc update at the class level (plus a wiki addition) like the following? "Because document inserts are handled as background tasks, exceptions and errors that occur during those operations will not be available to the calling program, but they will be logged. For example, if the Solr server is down, your program must determine this on its own. If you need strict error handling, use CommonsHttpSolrServer." If my wording is bad, feel free to make suggestions.

If I'm wrong and you do have an example of an error handling override that would do what I need, I would love to see it. From what I can tell, add requests are pushed down and handled by Runner threads, completely disconnected from the request. The response to add calls always seems to be a NOTE element saying "the request is processed in a background stream", even if successful.


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