If you add your query to the firstSearcher and/or newSearcher event
listeners in the slave
'solrconfig.xml' ( 

each new search instance will wait before accepting queries.

Example to load the FieldCache for 'your_facet_field' field :
    <listener event="firstSearcher" class="solr.QuerySenderListener">
      <arr name="queries">
        <lst><str name="q">*:*</str><str name="facet">true</str><str


Le jeudi 29 mars 2012 à 13:30 +0200, Dennis Schafroth a écrit :
> Hi 
> I am running indexing and facetted searching on bibliographic data, which is 
> known not to perform to well due to the high facet count. Actually it's just 
> the firstSearch that is horrible slow, 200+ seconds  . After that, I am 
> getting okay times (1 second) (at least in a few users scenario we have now). 
> The current index is 54 millions record with approx. 10 millions unique 
> authors. The facets (… _exact) is using the string type. 
> I had hoped that a master (indexing) and slave (searching) would have solved 
> the issue, but I am still seeing the issue on the slave, so I guess I must 
> have misunderstood (or perhaps misconfigured) something
> I had thought that the slave would not switch to the new index until the auto 
> warming was completed.  Is such behavior possible? 
> I guess a alternative solution could be to have multiple slaves and taking a 
> slave off-line when doing replication, but if it is possible to do simpler 
> (and using 1/3 less space) that would be great. Then again we might need 
> multiple slaves with more requests.
> Attached is the configuration files.
> Let me know if there is missing information. 
> cheers, 
> :-Dennis Schafroth

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