Don't. "Optimize" is a poorly-chosen name for a full merge. It doesn't make 
that much difference and there is almost never a need to do it on a periodic 

The full merge will mean a longer time between the commit and the time that the 
data is first searchable. Do the commit, then search.


On Mar 29, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:

> What is the best way to periodically optimize a Solr index?  I've seen
> a few places where this is done from a CRON job, but I wanted to know
> if there are any other techniques that are used in practice for doing
> this.  My use case is that we generally load a large corpus of data up
> front and then information trickle's in after that, but we want this
> information to be available for search within a reasonable amount of
> time (say 10 minutes).  I believe that the CRON job would probably
> suffice but if there are any other thoughts/suggestions I'd be
> interested to hear them.

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