On Apr 12, 2012, at 11:28 AM, Lyuba Romanchuk wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to configure the solr so that the opened searcher will see a new
> document immidiately after it was adding to the index.
> And I don't want to perform commit each time a new document is added.
> I tried to configure maxDocs=1 under autoSoftCommit in solrconfig.xml but
> it didn't help.

Can you elaborate on didn't help? You couldn't find any docs unless you did an 
explicit commit? If that is true and there is no user error, this would be a 

> Is there way to perform soft commit from code in Solr 4.0 ?

Yes - check out the wiki docs - I can't remember how it is offhand (I think it 
was slightly changed recently).

> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Lyuba

- Mark Miller

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