: Off the top of my head:
: _version_ is needed for solr cloud where a leader forwards updates to
: replicas, unless you're handing update distribution yourself or
: providing pre-built shards.
: _version_ is needed for realtime-get and optimistic locking
: We should document for sure... but at this point it's not clear what
: we should enforce. (not saying we shouldn't enforce anything... just
: that I haven't really thought about it)

well ... it may eventually make sense to global enforce it for 
consistency, but in the meantime the individual components that dpeend on 
it can certainly enforce it (just like my uniqueKey example; the search 
components that require it check for themselves on init and fail fast)

(ie: sounds like the RealTimeGetHandler and the existing 
DistributedUpdateProcessor should fail fast on init if the schema doesn't 
have it)


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