: The user as search terms like "my dog has fleas" and your query
: looks like
: q=my dog has fleas&fq=timestamp:[NOW/DAY TO NOW/DAY+1DAY]
: and the user sees all documents with those terms added since midnight
: last night. No confusion at all...

right ... wether the facets are useful or confusing has nothing to do with 
wether the fields are in your "qf" ... what matters is what you *do* with 
those facet counts once you have them.

if you over the user the ability to filter on a constraint (which is what 
most people do with facet info) then as long as you generate that filter 
using hte same field, as an fq, then everything should make sense.

if instead you just try to add the constraint to your main "q" query 
string, as an additional clause, then that is likely to make no sense at 
all, since the terms from your facet field may not have any bearing on the 
fields you are querying against.


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