On Apr 24, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Trym R. Møller wrote:

> Hi
> I experience that a Solr looses its connection with Zookeeper and 
> re-establish it. After Solr is reconnection to Zookeeper it begins to recover.
> It has been missing the connection approximately 10 seconds and meanwhile the 
> leader slice has received some documents (maybe about 1000 documents). Solr 
> fails to update peer sync with the log message:
> Apr 21, 2012 10:13:40 AM org.apache.solr.update.PeerSync sync
> WARNING: PeerSync: core=mycollection_slice21_shard1 
> url=zk-1:2181,zk-2:2181,zk-3:2181 too many updates received since start - 
> startingUpdates no longer overlaps with our currentUpdates

You can configure the timeout here - I may have chosen a default that is too 
low based on some reports.

> Looking into PeerSync and UpdateLog I can see that 100 updates is the maximum 
> allowed updates that a shard can be behind.
> Is it correct that this is not configurable and what is the reasons for 
> choosing 100?

Yonik chose this - I'll let him expand on it if he see this. I think it's not 
configurable currently, but perhaps with the right caveats as doc, it should be.

> I suspect that one must compare the work needed to replicate the full index 
> with the performance loss/resource usage when enhancing the size of the 
> UpdateLog?

Yeah, I think that is the gist of it. There may be another gotchya or two, I 
just don't remember at the moment. Yonik?

> Any comments regarding this is greatly appreciated.
> Best regards Trym

- Mark Miller

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