Answering my own question:  I think I can do this by writing a script that
concats the Lastname, Forname and Initials and adding that to xpath =


On 4/30/12 4:49 PM, "Twomey, David" <> wrote:

>Sorry hit send too soon.  Continued the email below
>On 4/30/12 4:46 PM, "Twomey, David" <> wrote:
>>Is this possible in DataImportHandler
>>I want the following XML to all collapse into one mult-valued Author
>><AuthorList CompleteYN="Y">
>> <Author ValidYN="Y">
>>  <LastName>Sørlie</LastName>
>>  <ForeName>T</ForeName>
>>  <Initials>T</Initials>
>> </Author>
>> <Author ValidYN="Y">
>>  <LastName>Perou</LastName>
>>  <ForeName>C M</ForeName>
>>  <Initials>CM</Initials>
>> </Author>
>> <Author ValidYN="Y">
>>  <LastName>Tibshirani</LastName>
>>  <ForeName>R</ForeName>
>>  <Initials>R</Initials>
>> </Author>
>>So my XPATH is like
>>commonField="true" />

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