Hello Simon,

Let me reply to solr-user. We consider BJQ as a promising solution for
parent/child usecase, we have a facet component prototype for it; but it's
too raw and my team had to switch to another challenges temporarily.
I participated in SOLR-3076, but achievement is really modest. I've
attached essential BJQParser with god-mode syntax. I think the next stage
should be a block indexing support in Solr, I'm not sure how to do that
right. I suppose that by next month I'll be able to provide something like
essential support for block updates.


On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 12:05 AM, Simon Guindon <simon.guindon wrote:

>  Hello Mikhail,****
> ** **
> I came across your blog post about Solr with an alternative approach to
> the block join solution for LUCENE-3171. We have hit the same situation
> where we need the parent/child relationship for our Solr queries.****
> ** **
> I was wondering if your solution was available anywhere? It would be nice
> if a solution could make its way into Solr at some point J****
> ** **
> Thanks and take care,****
> Simon Guindon****

Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev.
Tech Lead,
Grid Dynamics.


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