(12/05/03 1:39), Noordeen, Roxy wrote:
I just started using elevation for solr. I am on solr 3.5, running with Drupal 
7, Linux.

1. I updated my solrconfig.xml


2. I placed my elevate.xml in my solr's data directory. Based on forum answers, 
I thought placing elevate.xml under data directory would pick my latest change.
I restarted tomcat.

3.  When i placed my elevate.xml under conf directory, elevation was working 
with url:


But when i moved to data directory,  I am not seeing any results.

NOTE: I can see the catalina.out, printing solr reading the file from data 
directory. I tried to give invalid entries; I noticed solr errors parsing 
elevate.xml from data directory. I even tried to send some documents to index, 
thought commit might help to read the elevate config file. But nothing helped.

I don't understand why below url does not work anymore.  There are no errors in 
the log files.


Any help on this topic is appreciated.

Hi Noordeen,

What do you mean by "I am not seeing any results."? Is it no docs in response
(numFound="0") ?

And have you tried the original "${solr.data.dir:./solr/data}" for the dataDir?
Isn't it working for you too?

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