as for version below 4.0, it's not possible because lucene's score
model. position information is stored, but only used to support phrase
query. it just tell us whether a document is matched, but we can boost
a document. The similar problem is : how to implement proximity boost.
for 2 search terms, we need return all docs that contains this 2
terms. but if they are phrase, we give it a largest boost. if there is
a word between them, we give it a smaller one. if there are 2 words
between them, we will give it smaller score. ....
all this ranking algorithm need more flexible score model.
I don't know whether the latest trunk take this into consideration.

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 3:43 AM, Jonty Rhods <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I need suggetion:
>> I
>> Hi all,
>> I need suggetion:
>> I have many title like:
>> 1 bomb blast in kabul
>> 2 kabul bomb blast
>> 3 3 people killed in serial bomb blast in kabul
>> I want 2nd result should come first while user search by "kabul".
>> Because kabul is on 1st postion in that sentance.  Similarly 1st result
>> should come on 2nd and 3rd should come last.
>> Please suggest me hot to implement this..
>> Regard
>> Jonty

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