Was there a response to this? 

On Fri, 2012-05-04 at 10:27 -0400, Keswani, Nitin - BLS CTR wrote:
> Hi,
> My data model consist of different types of data. Each data type has its own 
> characteristics
> If I include the unique characteristics of each type of data, my single Solr 
> Document could end up containing 300-400 fields.
> In order to drill down to this data set I would have to provide faceting on 
> most of these fields so that I can drilldown to very small set of
> Documents.
> Here are some of the questions :
> 1) What's the best approach when dealing with documents with large number of 
> fields .
>     Should I keep a single document with large number of fields or split my
>     document into a number of smaller  documents where each document would 
> consist of some fields
> 2) From an operational point of view, what's the drawback of having a single 
> document with a very large number of fields.
>     Can Solr support documents with large number of fields (say 300 to 400).
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Nitin Keswani

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