: I am using solr 1.3 with jdk 1.5.0_14 and weblogic 10MP1 application server
: on Solaris. I use embedded solr server. More details :

FWIW: Solr 1.3 is *REALLY* old ... do not be suprised if much of the info 
you are given (or read) doesn't apply.

: - some mail threads on this forum seem to indicate that there could be some
: connection between having dynamic fields and usage of FieldCache. Is this
: true ? Most of the fields in my index are dynamic fields.

there is no specific corrolation between dynamic fields and the field 
cache -- what you may be seeing is people commenting about dangers of 
*using* field caches with dynamic fields, because typically when people 
use dynamic fields there is no fixed number of pre-defined fields in use 
(that's the whole perk of dynamic fields) so if you are using hundreds or 
thousands of dynamic field in a way that involves the field cache, you 
might have problems (because field cache objects tend to be large)

: - as mentioned above, most of my faceted queries could have around 50-70
: facet fields (I would do SolrQuery.addFacetField() for around 50-70 fields
: per query). Could this be the source of the problem ? Is this too high for
: solr to support ?

In Solr 1.3, faceting does not use the field cache AT ALL!

starting with Solr 1.4, facting can use the field cache (or a similar 
concept called "UnInvertedFields" when multivalued).  You can force 
Solr1.4+ not to use the fielld cache for this by specifying 


: - Initially, I had a facet.sort defined in solrconfig.xml. Since FieldCache
: builds up on sorting, I even removed the facet.sort and tried, but no
: respite. The behavior is same as before.

Facet sorting is not the same as result sorting. facet sorting does not 
use the field cache at all.

nothing you've mentioned in your initial email, or the example query you 
posted should involve the field cache in anyway (in Solr 1.3!) so if you 
are seeing your heap eaten up by field cache objects there is more going 
on in your system then you know about (or that you've told us) ... you 
need to look at the fields assocaited with those field caches, and then 
see how you are using those fields in requests, to make sense of what they 
exist. in your heap.


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